BLH Nobel
BLH Nobel Weigh Modules & Load Cells
Our wide range of standard load cells and force transducers
BLH Nobel Instruments
Instruments for weighing and force measurement systems. Custom hardware and software versions available.
BLH Nobel Accessories
Junction boxes, power supplies, summing units, cables, communication devices and more
BLH Nobel Force Transducers & Tension Measurement Modules
Our web and strip tension products can handle any range of force from high to low in a variety of industries
BLH Nobel Calibrators And Diagnostics
Service and calibration kits, pocket calibrators and diagnostic tools.
BLH Nobel Hydraulics
Hydraulic positioning systems: solutions in saw mill applications.
BLH Nobel Scales
Platform and table scales in a full range of capacities and sizes
BLH Nobel Custom Made Products
Tailor-made products that strive for the optimal combination of robustness, reliability and accuracy to fit your specific requirements
BLH Nobel Featured
1756-WM PLC Weighing ModuleTank Mount SeriesG Series InstrumentsKIS Series Load CellsLegacy Product
BLH Nobel |
110 171 |
BLH Nobel |
110179 |
BLH Nobel |
1157652GD Type KIS-1GD 50 kN |
BLH Nobel |
1164646 |
BLH Nobel |
473848 |
BLH Nobel |
6365326 |
BLH Nobel |
800320 Dichtungsset für POS POS 50S/100S/200S |
BLH Nobel |
AST-3P |
BLH Nobel |
AST-3 P (110170) |
BLH Nobel |
Atex Zertifizierung KIS, KIM-X / Atex certification KIS, KIM-X |
BLH Nobel |
DSA-R 1000 KN |
BLH Nobel |
DXP-10 |
BLH Nobel |
DXP-40 |
BLH Nobel |
KIMD-1 500 KN KOMPL. 1 164 679 |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-1. |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-11 |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-11 100 kN |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-1GD 50 kN |
BLH Nobel |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-1PA 50KN |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-2 |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-2 10kN Stainl-5m-PVC-80C |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-2 20 KN 1130488P |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-2 20kN Alloy-5m-PVC-80C |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-2 20kN Stainl-5m-PVC-80C |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-3 |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-8 20KN |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-8 2 kN |
BLH Nobel |
KIS-8 5 kN |
BLH Nobel |
KISD-6-50KN same as KISD-6R 50kN |
BLH Nobel |
KISD-6-GT-100kN COD1164646 |
BLH Nobel |
KISD-6R 100 kN |
BLH Nobel |
KISD-6R 50kN |
BLH Nobel |
BLH Nobel |
KISD-6WL 50 kN |
BLH Nobel |
KOSD 40/50W-40/50KN |
BLH Nobel |
Kraftmessaufnehmer KISD-6WL 200 kN |
BLH Nobel |
LCP-100 |
BLH Nobel |
LCP-100-1-12-1-1 |
BLH Nobel |
LCP-104 |
BLH Nobel |
LVD3 |
BLH Nobel |
BLH Nobel |
BLH Nobel |
Messverstärker AST-3 P |
BLH Nobel |
Module KIS-2 10kN Alloy-5m-PVC-80C |
BLH Nobel |
Module KIS-8 20kN |
BLH Nobel |
P-N:110591; Type:KIS-2 30kN Alloy-5m-PVC-80C |
BLH Nobel |
P/N: 1174079; Type: KIS-2 30kN Stainl-5m-PVC-80C |
BLH Nobel |
POS-50 SK-40/25 U-300 |
BLH Nobel |
PS-1010 |
BLH Nobel |
PS-1050 |
BLH Nobel |
SК-700 |
BLH Nobel |
SL-4, 110063 |
BLH Nobel |
SL-4 SS |
BLH Nobel |
BLH Nobel |
BLH Nobel |
WST-3 |
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