Elap encoder
Elap encoder |
Incremental Linear Transducers

Linear Potentiometers

Rotary Incremental Encoder
- Absolute encoders
- Incremental encoders
- Linear transducers
- Wire transducers
- Linear potentiometers
- Altheris Potentiometers
- Industrial joysticks
- Vibration sensors
- Tilt sensors
- Touch screen panels
- PLC controllers
- Counters & visualizers
- Positioners
- Monitoring Systems
• Incremental Shaft Encoderler
• Hollow Shaft Encoderler
• Absolute Shaft Encoderler
• Kaplinler
• Lineer Transducer
• İpli Transducer
• Magnetik Transducer
• Lineer Potansiometer
• İpli Potansiometer
• Çok Fonksiyonlu Sayıcılar
• 1/2/3 Eksen Pozisyon Kontrol Cihazları
Optik Lineer Cetveller
Absolute encoders
Single and multi-turn absolute encoders
Absolute encoders always provide the actual position data at the system power on, despite possible shaft rotations; therefore there is no need to reset to the zero point after a power down.
Stout and accurate, Elap single and multi turn absolute encoders are the ideal solution to releave motions on operating machines in all industrial fields.
The wide choice of mechanical solutions allow to fulfil any application requirement. The different available output signals and voltage supply range make it possible to interface Elap absolute rotary encoders to any counting system or PLC controller. The encoders high resolution values allow to employ them for applications needing a high accuracy degree.
Encoder MEM – BUS EtherCAT
Multiturn encoders with fieldbus
8192 steps/rev. – 13 bit
65536 rev. – 16 bit
Profinet Encoder
Multiturn encoders with fieldbus
8192 steps/revolution – 13 bit
65536 revolutions – 16 bit
Profibus Encoder
Single and multiturn encoders with fieldbus
8192 steps/revolution – 13 bit
Multiturn: 65536 revolutions – 16 bit
CANopen Encoder
Single and multiturn encoders with fieldbus
8192 steps/revolution – 13 bit
Multiturn: 65536 revolutions – 16 bit
Encoder REC-VA
Single Turn Absolute Encoder
Compact size
Aluminium case
M12 connector or cable outlet
0-10V 360° analogue output
9 bit resolution
IP64 Protection degree
Encoder MRE-VA
Single-turn absolute encoder with analogue output
9-bit resolution analogue output
Several mechanical versions available
Encoder MEM
Single and multiturn encoders
High resolution: 5÷13 bit/revolution x 15 bit revolutions SSI serial
output Data memory >21 years Position reset function
Binaryor Gray code Several configurations available
Encoder REMA
Single turn magnetic encoders
Several mechanical versions
Supply voltage 5Vdc or 10/24Vdc or 5/24Vdc
Resolution: 4÷ 13 bit, binary code
5V SSI Serial output
Encoder REC-VA
Single Turn Absolute Encoder
Compact size
Aluminium case
M12 connector or cable outlet
0-10V 360° analogue output
9 bit resolution
Encoder MRE-VA
Single-turn absolute encoder with analogue output
9-bit resolution analogue output
Several mechanical versions available
Encoder RM36
36 mm diameter
Ø 36 mm body, single turn absolute encoder
RM36-P: 9 bit parallel output
RM36-S: 12 bit SSI serial output
RM36-V: voltage analogue output
Encoder RM22
22 mm diameter
Ø 22 mm body, single turn absolute encoder
RM22-P: 9 bit parallel output
RM22-S: 9 bit SSI serial output
RM22-A: sin/cos analogue output
Incremental encoders
Incremental encoders are rotary transducers used to releave length or thickness measures, angles and speed. Incremental encoders are commonly employed on industrial operating machines, combined to counting, visualizing or control systems, to achieve programmed positionings, preset step shifts or simply to display measures of physical magnitudes.
Thanks to the innovative electronic circuitry and the excellent quality of the components, Elap encoders ensure high resolution, great accuracy and repeatability.
The wide choice of mechanical and electronic solutions allows to meet all application requirements.
Encoder RE620 Square fl
RE620 – RE650
Square flange 63.5×63.5 mm
Body Ø 58 mm
Shaft Ø: 6 – 8 – 9.52 – 10 mm
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Encoder RE520 Round fl
RE520 – RE540 – RE510 – RE530
Round flange
Body Ø 58 mm
Shaft Ø 6 – 8 – 9.52 – 10 mm
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Hollow shaft encoder
- RE400 – RE470 – RE410 – RE430
Blind hollow shaft
- Body Ø 58 mm
- Joint Ø 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 mm
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Encoder REM Magnetic
Magnetic incremental encoders REM – EM
Round flange, square flange or hollow shaft
Body Ø 58 mm
PPR: 8 ÷ 2048
Encoder REV High PPR
REV520 – REV540 – REV620
High ppr and glass disc
Glass measuring disc
Round & square flange available
Body Ø 58 mm
PPR: 1000 ÷ 50000
Encoder REC Compact
Compact size H38
M12 connector or cable outlet
Round flange, square flange or hollow shaft
Body Ø 58 mm
PPR: 2 to 12500
Encoder RE50 Ø 50
Body Ø 50 mm
Round flange
Shaft Ø 6 – 8 – 10 mm
Aluminium case
M12 connector or axial cable outlet
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Encoder SEB Ø 50
Body Ø 50 mm
Round flange Ø 50 mm
Shaft Ø 10 mm
ABS plastic case
IP64 protection degree – optional IP65
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Encoder E40 Ø 40
Body Ø 40 mm
Round flange, square flange, hollow shaft, screw fixing versions available
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Encoder E30 Ø 30
Body Ø 30 mm
Round flange Ø 30 mm
Shaft Ø 4mm
PPR: 2 ÷ 12500
Encoder RM36 magnetic
RM36-I – Incremental magnetic encoder
Body Ø 36 mm body
PPR: 128, 512 or 102
Encoder RM22 magnetic
RM22-I – magnetic incremental encoder
Body Ø 22 mm
PPR: 128
Encoder REP program.
REP – EP programmable encoder
PPR programmable by the user: 8 ÷ 2048
Body Ø 58 mm
Round flange, square flange or hollow shaft available
Encoder RE sinusoidal
Encoder with sinusoidal output signals
Round flange, square flange
Body Ø 58 mm
PPR no.: 314 to 3600
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