Inter Control
Please select one of the products below. Click on the
button to find further information on the various product groups.
Thermostat with fixed Set Point
- Type 161 471 Thermostat "Smarty Plus"
- Type 161 481 Thermostat "Smarty Plus" for high temperatures
- Type 161 501 Thermostat "Smarty High Speed"
- Type 161 571 Thermostat "Smarty Plus" (normally closed)
- Type 161 572 Thermostat "Smarty Plus" (normally open)
- Type 161 771 Thermostat "Smarty II"
- Type 161 772 Thermostat "Smarty II" (normally open)
- Type 161 641 Thermostat "Smarty Compact"
- Type 161 651 Thermostat "Smarty Compact"
- Type 161 971 Thermostat for printed heating elements
Temperature Limiter with fixed Set Point
- Type 161 001 Temperature Limiter "Discostat", automatic reset
- Type 162 001 Thermal Cut-out "Discostat", manual reset
- Type 162 081 Temperature Limiter "Miniclic"
- Type 162 471 Thermal Cut-out "Smarty Plus"
- Type 162 571 Thermal Cut-out "Smarty Hot"
Thermal Link (TCO)
- Type 155 031 Thermal Link "Minimelt"
- Type 155 431 Thermal Link "Minimelt Plus"
- Type 155 131 Thermal Link "Minimelt II"
Product Combination with fixed Set Point
- Type 161 441 Thermostat / thermal link combination "Duomelt Plus"
- Type 161 451 Thermostat / thermostat combination "Duoclic Plus"
- Type 161 461 Thermostat / thermostat combination "Trioclic Plus"
- Type 161 491 Thermostat / thermal link combination "Discomelt Plus"
- Type 161 791 Thermostat / thermal link combination "Discomelt II"
- Type 162 441 Temperature limiter / thermal link combination "Duomelt Plus"
- Type 162 451 Temperature limiter / limiter combination "Duoclic Plus"
- Type 162 491 Temperature limiter / thermal link combination
"Discomelt Plus"
Adjustable Capillary Thermostat
- Type 121 051 Capillary thermostat
Adjustable Thermostat for Surface Contact
- Type 141 141 Thermostat (normally closed / normally open)
- Type 141 321 Thermostat (normally closed / normally open)
- Type 141 331 Thermostat with integrated On/Off Switch
Adjustable Thermostat for Air Temperature
- Type 143 211 Thermostat (normally closed)
- Type 143 251 Thermostat (normally closed)
Adjustable Temperature Limiter
- Type 142 051 Temperature Limiter, adjustable, normally closed
Adjustable Energy Control
- Type 148 001 Energy Control, current independent, temperature guided
- Type 148 141 Energy Control, current dependent, temperature guided
Adjustable Thermostat for Surface Contact with Thermal Link
- Type 141 201 Thermostat with Thermal Link
- Type 141 301 Thermostat with integrated Thermal Link
- Type 166 431 Thermal Relay (normally closed)
- Type 166 432 Thermal Relay (normally open)
- Type 197 131 Tilt Switch
- Type 189 005 NTC Sensor "Smarty Sensor"
Inter Control
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