
Massa Genel Ürünler


Standart Ürünler


 Kablosuz Ultrasonik Seviye Sensörleri M3 Serisi
Tanıtımı M3is - Tehlikeli yerler için onaylı Instrisically Güvenli,
Class 1, Division 1, Tüm Gruplar YENİ

M3 Kablosuz Ultrasonik Tank Seviye Sensörü Developers Kit YENİ
M3 ve M3is Serisi  Kablosuz Ultrasonik Seviye Sensörleri
Düşük Maliyetli Sıvı Seviye Sensörleri M-300 Serisi:

M - V çıkışı 7 ft aralığı -300/150 Sensör
M-300/95 Sensör - V çıkışı 13 ft aralığı
M -320/150 Sensör - mA çıkış 7 ft aralığı
M-320/95 Sensörü - mA çıkış 13 ft aralığı

MassaSonic ™ M-5000 Full Akıllı Ultrasonik Sensörler

M-5000/220 Akıllı Ultrasonik Sensör

E-188/220 Yüksek Frekans - Dar Işın Ultrasonik Dönüştürücü
TR-89B Ultrasonik Dönüştürücü
TR-2436/150 Plastik Ultrasonik Dönüştürücü
TR-2465/210 Dar Işın Ultrasonik Dönüştürücü

Massa Ürünleri Corporation özel tasarım hemen hemen olmayan herhangi bir temas algılama gereksinimi karşılamak için bir elektro transdüser veya sistem. Biz, aşağıdakiler de dahil olmak üzere geniş bir yelpazede, farklı uygulamalarda kullanılmak için Ultrasonik dönüştürücüler ve sistemler geliştirmiştir:
Oşinografik Ürünler ve Uygulamalar

Massa gelişmiş ve specificially oşinografik topluluk tarafından kullanılmak üzere sualtı dönüştürücüler ve sistemleri geniş bir yelpazede üretmiştir. Müşterilerimiz gibi uygulamalar için büyük universiteler, oşinografik kurumları ve ticari oşinografik şirketler şunlardır:

  • Sub-Bottom Profiling

  • Side-Scan Sonar Transdüserler

  • Beacon Transdüserler

Sualtı Navigasyon ve Haberleşme Sistemleri

Standart Ürünler
Sub-Bottom Profiling Transdüserler TR-1075 Serisi
C1M2 ve C1F2 Sualtı Konnektörler
TR-1077A Derin Su Sub-Bottom Profiling Transducer
Okyanus Transdüserler TR-1055 Serisi


  • Araç Engel Algılama Gizli Transducer Teknoloji

  • Ultrasonik Yolcu Algılama Sistemleri

  • Ultrasonik Başkanı istirahat Ayarı Sistemi

  • Ultrasonik Otomobil Kaçak Tespit Sistemleri

  • Matbaa Web Break, Gergi ve Rulo Çapı Sistemleri

  • Yakıt Seviye Ölçüm Sistemleri

  • Mesafe, Toplu Seviyesi, Profil ve Kalınlık Ölçüm Sistemleri

  • Kaçak Algılama Sistemleri


Massa has designed and manufactured literally hundreds of different types of sonar transducers and systems for a wide variety of applications for the U.S. and Allied Navies.  We have successfully performed on over 500 sonar contracts (over 100 in the last decade) for our military products, with a world-class ontime delivery record.  To view some of these applications and products, click on the topics below:

  • Low Frequency (<1,000 Hz) High Powered Sonars for Surveillance

  • Mid Frequency (3 - 15 kHz) ASW Sonars for Surface Ships

  • Submarine Sonars

  • Sonars for Torpedoes and Torpedo Tube Launched Systems 

  • Diver Hand-Held Sonars

  • Sonars and Systems for Anti-Mine Warfare

  • Underwater Navigation & Communication Systems

  • Harbor Defense Systems 

  • Autonomous Biomimetic Underwater Robots


Massa tasarlamış ve gerçekten ABD ve Müttefik bahriyesini tanıtan uygulamaları, çeşitli sonar dönüştürücüler ve sistemleri farklı türlerde yüzlerce üretilmiştir. Biz başarıyla gerçekleştirdik son on yılda 100'ün üzerinde 500 sonar sözleşmeleri (üzerinde) askeri ürünler için, dünya standartlarında bir ontime teslim kaydı ile. bazı uygulamalar ve ürünler tıklatın konular aşağıda üzerinde görüntülemek için:

  • Düşük Frekans (<1.000 Hz) Gözetim Yüksek Powered Sonarlar

  • Mid Frekans (3 - 15 kHz) Yüzey Gemiler için ASW Sonarlar

  • Denizaltı Sonarlar

  • için Sonarlar Torpidolar ve Tüp Torpedo Sistemleri başlatılan 

  • Dalgıç El Sonarlar

  • Sonarlar ve Sistemler Anti-Mayın için Harp

  • Sualtı Navigasyon ve İletişim Sistemleri

  • Liman Savunma Sistemleri 

  • Özerk biyomimetik Sualtı Robotları


Massa has developed and manufactured a wide variety of underwater transducers and systems for use specifically by the oceanographic community. Our customers include major univeristies, oceanographic institutions, and commercial oceanographic companies for applications such as:

  • Custom Designed Transducers for Challenging Applications

  • Sub-Bottom ProfilingTransducers

  • Bottom Mapping Transducers

  • Deep Ocean Transponder Transducers

  • Sub-Bottom Profiling Transducers

  • Side-Scan Sonar Transducers

  • Underwater Navigaiton & Communication Systems

The following links provide information about some of our Commercial Oceanographic Products: 

TR-1075 Family of Sub-Bottom Profiling Transducers

TR-1077A Deep Water Sub-Bottom Profiling Transducer 

TR-1073A Depth Measurement Transducer

TR-1055C Deep Ocean Transducer

TR-1025C and TR-1016 General Purpose, Wide-Range Hydrophones

C1M2 and C1F2 Underwater Connectors



Massa geliştiren ve imal sualtı dönüştürücüler ve sistemleri çok çeşitli kullanım için oşinografik toplum özellikle göre. Müşterilerimiz büyük üniversiteler, oşinografik kurumları ve uygulamaları gibi ticari oşinografik şirketler şunlardır:

  • Özel Uygulamalar Challenging için Dönüştürücüler Tasarım

  • Sub-Bottom ProfilingTransducers

  • Alt Haritalama Dönüştürücüler

  • Deep Ocean Transponder Dönüştürücüler

  • Sub-Bottom Profil Dönüştürücüler

  • Side-Sonar Dönüştürücüler Tarama

  • Sualtı Navigaiton ve Haberleşme Sistemleri

Aşağıdaki bağlantıları bazı Ticari Oşinografik Ürünleri hakkında bilgi vermek:
Sub-Bottom Profil Dönüştürücüler TR-1075 Aile

TR-1077A Derin Su Sub-Bottom Profil Transducer 

TR-1073A Derinlik Ölçümü Transducer

TR-1055C Deep Ocean Transducer

TR-ve TR-1016 Genel Amaçlı, Wide-Range 1025C Hydrophones

C1M2 ve C1F2 Sualtı Konnektörler


Massa (Askeri urunler)

Askeri Ürünler ve Uygulamalar

Massa, düşük frekans da dahil olmak üzere hemen hemen her tür uygulama kullanılan farklı sualtı dönüştürücüler ve sistem, 
gözetim uygulamaları için yüksek güçte sonarlar geniş bir yelpazede geliştirdiği, orta frekans (3 kHz - 15 kHz) yüzey gemileri için 
sonarlar denizaltıları için aktif ve pasif sonarlar, akustik torpido, anti-mayın sonarlar ve sualtı navigasyon ve haberleşme sistemleri için
sonarlar. Massa da biomimetic özerk araç ve liman savunma sistemleri geliştirdi. Bu uygulamaların bir kaç örnek aşağıda gösterilmiştir:

Denizaltılar için Sonarlar

Some of the Submarine Transducers Developed and Manufactured by Massa

• BQG-2 & BQG-4 Line Hydrophones For PUFFS (1970’s)
– Most precise production Hy drophone ever mass produced
• DT-276A/BQR-7 (1970 - Present)
• TR-316/BQS-8,14 (1990’s)
– Under ice navigation sonar
• TR-242B/BQS-15 (1990’s)
• High Frequency Chin Array (HFCA) Projector and 
Hydrophone Arrays (2000’s)
– Used on Virginia Class Submarines
• EC-20 Array (2000’s)
– Used on SSBN and 688 Submarines
• TR-353 Transducer (2000’s)
– Used on Seawolf and in the LAB Array on Virginia Class 
• DT-574 Hydrophone (2000’s)
– Used on Trident, Seawolf and in the LAB Array on Virginia 
Class Submarines
• TR-317 Transducer (2000’s)
– Used in Bow Spherical Array on 688 and Virginia Class 
Submarines (Blocks I and II)
• TR-353 Transducer (2000’s)
– Used in Lab Array on Virginia Class Submarines (Block III)
• New NSS Transducer (2000’s)
– Used on Trident Submarines

Some of the Sonars Developed and Manufactured by Massa for Use With Torpedoes
and Torpedo Tube Launched Systems

MK-44 Acoustic Torpedo (1965-1975)
– Massa manufactured 7,000 units at a third of the Government’s estimated cost
• CACHE (1970’s)
– The sea unit is launched from a torpedo tube
– The command unit is diver operated
• Deep Ocean Transponder (1970’s)
– Acoustic Navigation Systems
– Launched from torpedo tubes
• MK-30 MOD 1 Towed Array (1990’s and 2000’s)
– Massa redesigned the system to improve performance
– Massa is the only contractor First Article Approved
• MK-84 Pinger (1990’s)
– Massa redesigned the system to meet shock requirements
• MK-30 MOD 2 Towed Array (2000’s)
– Massa was the first contractor to be First Article  Approved

A Number of Transducers Manufactured by
Massa are Used in Different Sonar Systems
on U.S. Navy Submarine

• The LAB Array replaces the spherical array on Virginia  Class Submarines for shipsets 11 and higher
– It contains a DT-574 Passive A rray for receiving and a TR-353  Active Array for transmitting

Illustration Showing How the DT-574B Hydrophone 
and the TR-353A Transducers Manufactured by 
Massa are Used as Part of the LAB Array in the Bow 
of the Block III Virginia Class Submarines

• The new Large Aperture Bow (LAB) Sonar Array replaces the 
TR-317D Active/Passive Spherical Array with a Passive Array 
containing 1822 DT-574B Hydrophones and an Active Array 
containing 188 TR-353A Transducers

High Frequency Chin Array Projector

• Massa developed the Projector Array for the anti-mine sonar on the Virginia Class Attack Submarine 
and successfully passed First Article under  subcontract to Electric Boat and Newport News 
through Lockheed Martin
• Massa delivered the first three production HFCA  Projectors and Cable Assemblies in 2002 and is 
currently under contract to supply Ship-Sets 11-18
• Massa has twice received the prestigious Star  Supplier Award from Lockheed Martin for its work on 
the Chin Program
– Only 121 suppliers were recognized from a total of over 10,000  approved companies in Lockheed’s strategic supplier base

Massa BQG-2 & BQG-4
Line Hydrophones For Puffs

• Most precise production hydrophone ever  mass produced;
– Acoustic center of 6 ft. line was held to within  010 inches from the face of mounting flange;
– The First Article Test Report stated that the uniformity of the Massa production units was  
greater than the precision of measurement of  the Navy test equipment.
• Massa delivered on 12 separate production contracts;
– All other manufacturers took exception to  the performance specifications.

MK-30 Towed Array

• Array towed by torpedo-like fish
• System simulates a submarine for homing torpedoes by receiving sonar pulse and replying with appropriate echo
• Massa redesigned the receiver to improve uniformity, reliability, and to produce a flat response over the required frequency band

MK-84 Pinger

• Attached to torpedoes for tracking on test ranges
• Massa redesigned the system to meet the shock requirements

MK-44 Acoustic Torpedo

AMF subcontracted the acoustic nose cone to Massa  for a third of the Government’s cost
• Massa manufactured over 7,000 assemblies
– Massa developed special production procedures to match magnetostrictive stacks to produce the proper  acoustic beam

CACHE Beachhead Supply
Delivery System for U.S. Navy SEALS

SEAL Operated Command Unit

Developed by Massa under 
U.S. Navy contract
• Sea Unit individually coded
– Filled with supplies
– Launched from submarine
• Command Unit
– Omnidirectional transmitter
– Directional receiver
– Acoustically activated
– Guides SEAL to acoustic pulses  from the Sea Unit that has risen to depth of 15 ft. and snubbed  anchor line
– SEAL swims to tethered Sea Unit, cuts anchor line, and tows supplies to the beach

Biyomimetik Özerk Araçlar

Some of the Low-Frequency,High-Power Transducers Developed and Manufactured By Massa

• ARTEMIS (1950’s & 1960’s)
– Megawatt Electromagnetic Transducer
• TR-44  (1970’s)
– Spherical Electromagnetic Transducer
• TR-1411  (1980’s)
– Single-Sided Electromagnetic Radiator with a Mechanical Q <1
• R-402  (1990’s)
– Double-Ended Electromagnetic Radiator
• TR-1421  (1990’s)
– High Power Barrel Stave, Inverse 
Flextensional Transducer
• TR-1426  (1990’s)
– Single-Sided Flextensional Transducer
• M-1202 Broadband Autonomous Source  (2,000’s)

World’s Largest Sonar Projector Project Artemis

• Megawatt transducer weighed 300,000 lbs., and  operated at 450 Hz
• Original transducer produced by another company delaminated under full-power operation
• Massa designed, manufactured and shipped the entire array containing 1,440 elements in less than one year
• Manufactured ten mile long receiving array
– 200 towers 80 feet tall deployed in 5,000 feet of water

Massa TR-44 Dipole  Electromagnetic Transducer

• Operates to full ocean depth
• Can be Designed to operate at any frequency between 200 Hz and 1,000 Hz

Massa TR-1411 Electromagnetic Transducer

• Easy to configure into any type of array because there is negligible back radiation
• Can be Designed to operate at any frequency between 200 Hz and 1,000 Hz
• Transducer array has extremely low mechanical Q of less than 1

Massa TR-1421 Barrel Stave Transducer

• Developed under subcontract to Lockheed Sanders
• Operation
– 180 Hz
– 80% efficient
– 50 KWatts

Massa TR-1426 Single-Sided Flextensional Transducer
( Array Testing At Seneca Lake)

• Can be driven to radiate from either side only or omnidirectional
• Operation
– 800 Hz
– 80% Efficient
– 25 KWatts

Massa M-1202 Broadband Autonomous Source During Sea Test Deployment

• System developed for NRL to measure attenuation for different frequencies over long distances in the ocean
• Buoy deployed and operates autonomously for 48 hours by transmitting programmable pulses of different frequencies and pulse widths
• System self-measures and records depth, bearing, roll & pitch, transmit frequency and start time, SPL, battery and transducer voltage
• Operates from 200 Hz to 10 kHz at up to 170 dB Source Level

Orta Frekans Sonarlar

Some of the Mid-Frequency Transducers Developed and Manufactured by Massa

• TR-208A/SQS-23  (1965 - Present)
– Massa patented design revolutionized ceramic scanning sonar transducers
– U.S. Navy made Massa design mandatory
– Massa has supplied over 60,000 transducer elements
• TR-237 and TR-238  (1970 - Present)
– Massa redesigned ceramic replacement transducers for many different sonar systems (SQS-4,29,30,31,39, 40,41,42,43,44,45, 46,49,50,51,52)
• TR-330/SQS-56  (1988 - Present)
– Massa was given a sole sour ce contract to redesign the cable assemblies and to outfit the entire fleet of Perry Class Frigates (FFG-7)
– Massa also redesigned the TR-330 Transducer to improve performance, and  is the sole approved source
• TR-229/SQS-35 VDS  (1990’s)
– Massa redesigned the TR-229 Transducer Dual Stave Assembly to meet specs and is the only manufacturer approved

Photographs of the M-1002 Portable Sonar System

Electronics Modules for Engineering Model of 
the Massa M-1002 Portable Sonar System

Fish Assembly Less Streamlined Housing of the Engineering Model of the M-1002 Portable Sonar System During Sea Test On-board the
38 ft. Research Vessel R/V Decibe


Revolutionized sonar transducer design
– For ten years, five different manufacturers  were given waivers from the spec because it 
“was beyond the state of the art”
• The Massa design was half the size and  cost of previous transducers
• Massa has supplied over 60,000 elements
• Units have operated in fleet for over 20 years
• Used in conjunction With Raytheon  DE1191 System

Massa Redesign of the TR-330/SQS-56 Cable Assemblies

Massa was awarded a sole source contract to redesign and manufacture SQS-56 cables for the entire fleet of Perry Class frigates (FFG-7);
– Massa connector design for the SQS-23 Cables and Transducer was most  reliable in the fleet with over 60,000 connections and no reported failures.
• Massa redesigned the connectors and “pot head” and submitted first article units 1-1/2 months after receipt of contract;
– Production deliveries started two weeks after First  Article approval.
– By the time the first production shipment was due, Massa had completed delivery on over half of the  contract requirements.
• Massa also redesigned the TR-330 Transducer to  improve performance and is first article approved;
– Massa can also fabricate the TR-330A Transducer.

Liman Savunma Sistemleri

High Resolution Anti-Sabotage Ship Surveillance Sonar System  (Massa Model M-1210)

• The M-1210 System is the perfect solution to protecting ships at anchor or pier areas from underwater attack
– Detects and tracks targets on the sea floor or anywhere in the  water column within a 750 meter radius of the ship or pier
– Reliable
– Inexpensive
– Portable
– Can be deployed and operated by a single sailor
– System can be rapidly produced

Düşük Frekans, Yüksek Güç Sonarlar

Some of the Low-Frequency,
High-Power Transducers Developed
and Manufactured By Massa

 ARTEMIS (1950’s & 1960’s)
– Megawatt Electromagnetic Transducer
• TR-44  (1970’s)
– Spherical Electromagnetic Transducer
• TR-1411  (1980’s)
– Single-Sided Electromagnetic Radiator with a Mechanical Q <1
• R-402  (1990’s)
– Double-Ended Electromagnetic Radiator
• TR-1421  (1990’s)
– High Power Barrel Stave, Inverse Flextensional Transducer
• TR-1426  (1990’s)
– Single-Sided Flextensional Transducer
• M-1202 Broadband Autonomous Source  (2,000’s)

World’s Largest Sonar Projector Project Artemis

• Megawatt transducer weighed 300,000 lbs., and operated at 450 Hz
• Original transducer produced by another company delaminated under full-power operation
• Massa designed, manufactured and shipped the entire array containing 1,440 elements in less than one year
• Manufactured ten mile long receiving array
– 200 towers 80 feet tall deployed in 5,000 feet of water

Massa TR-44 Dipole Electromagnetic Transducer

• Operates to full ocean depth
• Can be Designed to operate at any frequency between  200 Hz and 1,000 Hz

Massa TR-1411 Electromagnetic Transducer

• Easy to configure into any type of array because there is negligible back radiation
• Can be Designed to operate at any frequency between 200 Hz and 1,000 Hz
• Transducer array has extremely low mechanical Q of less than 1

Massa TR-1421 Barrel Stave Transducer

• Developed under subcontract to Lockheed Sanders
• Operation
– 180 Hz
– 80% efficient
– 50 KWatts

Massa TR-1426 Single-Sided Flextensional Transducer
( Array Testing At Seneca Lake)

• Can be driven to radiate from either side only or omnidirectional
• Operation
– 800 Hz
– 80% Efficient
– 25 KWatts

Massa M-1202 Broadband Autonomous 
Source During Sea Test Deployment

• System developed for NRL to measure attenuation for different frequencies over long distances in the ocean
• Buoy deployed and operates autonomously for 48 hours by transmitting programmable pulses of different frequencies and pulse widths
• System self-measures and records depth, bearing, roll & pitch, transmit frequency and  start time, SPL, battery and transducer voltage
• Operates from 200 Hz to 10 kHz at up to 170 dB  Source Level

Sualtı Haberleşme ve Navigasyon

Very Shallow Water Acoustic Navigation,Communication, and Control System for Use
with UUVs (Underwater Unmanned Vehicles) in Littoral (Coastal) Zone Mine Countermeasure
Developed by Massa

Navigation/Communication Modules
– Modules mark lanes up to 500m    wide & control UUVs
– Establish acoustic navigation grid
– UUVs can accurately determine position and conduct random or geometric search patterns
– Modules can acoustically activate explosive charges
– Uses simple, robust, high data rate acoustic comm. algorithms proven during in-situ tests
– UUV’s communicate with each     other and with Modules

Stand-Off Mine Field Marking System

Developed by Massa for the U.S. Marine Corps to 
provide navigation for landing craft in a cleared 
lane up to 500 meters wide

– The system was successfully tested in the shallow water of Hingham Bay
• The system utilizes inexpensive ultrasonic transponders operating over the frequency range of 30-40 kHz
– The transponders are placed on either side of the cleared lane at a spacing of approximately 200 to 300 meters
• The system accurately locates the exact position of landing crafts within the cleared lane


Massa Ürünleri ile uygun rekabetçi fiyaları almak için müşteri temsilçimiz ile veya Fiyat teklifi formunu doldurarak mesaj bırakmanız halinde satış muhendislerimiz en kısa zamanda sizinle irtibat kuracaklardır.

Massa markasına ait tüm ürünler

    0 kayıt bulundu



      Oruçreis Mah. Tekstilkent Tic. Mrk.
      G2 Blok, No:101 (10AD-Z77)
      34235 Esenler / ISTANBUL
      T: +90 212 235 95 35 / 36
      F: +90 212 235 95 37

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