Company Profile
Since 1985 TEX COMPUTER projects and produces electronic systems for industrial automation. Thanks to the experience achieved in different branches Tex Computer produces different industrial applications which include motion, palletization, robotization and tools machine’s interlocking.
The aim is to offer a sole hardware system capable to guarantee:
- a good relation price / performances
- easy use
- a quick reply to events
The good results achieved on advanced technological markets confirm Tex Computer as an ideal partner in the mentioned branches.
Tex Computer is part of the Fom Group, world leader for cutting machines and aluminium working
Tex Computer srl make parts of FOM Group, where FOM INDUSTRIE srl heads a pool of 11 companies, structured with a view to carrying out all the stages in the production production process with the group’s own
resources and offering the customer a package including additional, complementary services. More than 400 people are employed by the FOM Group in about 50.000 sqm of new and modern buildings.
COMALL INTERNATIONAL producer of punching machines for aluminium. P.V. Tecnic srl produces machine tools for processing PVC items. With DAPHNE srl, painting booths and environmental protection systems, and MAG+ srl, automated storage units for long products and lifting systems. KOMPAS and IMAR, working in the machining of steel plate and frames, and R.I.M. a company with production facility in France and offices in Montecarlo, which produces assembly benches and systems. The last borned Company ist FST (Fom Software Technology), FOM Group’s Software House. The Company projects and realises Software for all Industrial Applications. In 2005 FOM CHINA in Shangaii starts its own activity A new factory where it is possible to visit a modern show room with exhibition of a lot of FOM Group’s products. Local employees directly trained by the Head Office in Europe.
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