Universal NMEA Converter
ZNC-401 Universal NMEA Converter is a "Multi Analog Signal to NMEA-0183 (IEC-61162-1) Converter" for most kinds of Gyrocompass, Anemometer, Speed Log, Rudder. This Universal NMEA Converter is useful for interfacing between old navigation equipments and VDR, AIS, ECDIS.
This ZNC-401 Universal NMEA Converter is designed to consider very high accuracy and stability of temperature for using as core parts of Anemometer, Rudder.
All information is displayed in large LCD and controlled dimmer and contrast.
1. Applications
1) Gyrocompass to NMEA Converter
- 1:1, 36:1, 90:1, 180:1, 360:1 Synch
- 90:1, 180:1, 360:1 Step signal
- 26~115VAC, 50/60Hz or 400/500Hz (Option: 10~45V or 50~230V AC)
- NMEA format : $HEHDT,359.9,T*hh<CR><LF>
2) Anemometer to NMEA Converter
- Wind Angle : 1:1 Synch, 0~5V(10V) DC
- Wind Speed : 0~5V(10V) DC or 4~20mA or 1,710HZ at 60m/s
- NMEA format : $WIMWV,359.9,R,60,M,A*hh<CR><LF>
3) Rudder to NMEA Converter
- Angle : 1:1 Synch
- Rate : 1:1, 2:1 or 4:1 Angle rate
- NMEA format : $RARSA,359.9,A,,*hh<CR><LF>
4) Speed Log to NMEA Converter
- Speed : 0~5V(10V) DC, 4~20mA, 200/400 pulse/nm signal
- NMEA format : $VMVBW,49.9,A,,,*hh<CR><LF>
2. Common Specification
- Input : Synch, Step, 0~5(10)V, 4~20mA, Pulse Input
- Output : 3 NMEA outputs (one port is RS422 & RS232 selectable)
- Input Power : DC18~32V, AC17~23V
3. Option
- Power : 12V DC (9~17.5V DC)
- High/Low synchro voltage : 10~45V or 50~230V AC
- Customizing software are available for non-standard equipment and non-standard output data formats.
Rudder to NMEA Converter
Anemometer to NMEA Converter
ZNC-401-330 NMEA Converter Board is very useful for using core parts of Rudder or Anemometer. This NMEA Converter is designed for considering high accuracy and reliability.
1. Applications
1) Rudder converter
- 1:1 Synchro signal
- 1:1, 2:1 or 4:1 angle rate
- NMEA format : $RARSA,359.9,A,,*hh<CR><LF>
2) Anemometer Converter
- Wind Angle : 1:1 Synchro
- Wind Speed : 0~5V(10V) DC or 4~20mA or 1,710HZ at 60m/s
- NMEA format : $WIMWV,359.9,R,60,M,A*hh<CR><LF>
2. Common Specification
- Input : Synch/Step, 0~5(10)V, 4~20mA, Pulse Input
- Output : 3 NMEA output
- Input Power : DC18~32V, AC17~23V
3. Option
- Power : 12V DC (8~16.5V DC)
- Customizing software are available for non-standard equipment and non-standard output data formats