Boy : SOO
Termik ayar sahası : 0,45-0,63
Faz korumalı
60 C pano içi sıcaklığa uygun
El ve otomatik konumlu
1NO+1NC yardımcı kontaklı
Şalt pozisyon göstergeli
stop ve test butonlu
Ayar göstergesi koruma kapaklı
Yalnız montaja uygun
Instantaneous relays 2 contacts / Model 19021902 interface module, 2 RT - 5 A
this interface module has a red indicator led (3mm diameter).
The terminal max. width is 18mm, except for 220 V AC version which has 23mm of width.
1902 module fixing is adapted for symetricals and asymetricals din rails.
Liquid Level Control Relay DSFCLiquid Level Control Relay DSFC level control of liquid in tanks suitable for all liquids as water, marmalade, syrup... adjustable sensitivity...