Cable Systems

LEINE LINDE-Cable Systems

Onun kablo sistemleri bölümü biz geliştirmek ve özelleştirilmiş ürünler ve uygulamalar en geniş için optimize edilmiş çözümler üretmek 
Bizim kablo montaj güvenilir ve emniyetli elektrik bağlantıları için yüksek kalite standartlarını sağlar.

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Kablo bağlantısı Teknikler katılmadan bir dizi kullanarak bir bağlantı tertibatı 
Son sıkma makineleri ve ince lehim iş istasyonları
Enine kesit kesite Kıvrım: 0,032mm² - 35mm²
dizayn elektrik ve mekanik bileşenleri ile kablo sistemleri
Özel özellik % 100 performans testleri ve elektrik kontrol


  • IPMS® ice prevention and monitoring system

    LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,Ice sensor,IPMS® ice prevention and monitoring system,EE33 - Temperature and humidity transmitter (outside),Moisture sensor,Moisture sensor and switch,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,Ice sensor,CF032 - contactless rotary joint,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,Ice sensor,CF032 - contactless rotary joint,Slip rings,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS, contactless rotary joint,SF020 - Slip ring with a contactless rotary joint,Slip ring with a contactless rotary joint SF020,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,ll-systems,Leine & Linde,Leine Linde,Leine-Linde,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,Generator slip ring,Slip rings,sliprings,slıprıng,slıprıngs,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH,diagnostic system,ADSR® diagnostic system,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Contactless rotary joints,Contactless rotary joints,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Functional Safety,Functional Safety,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Generator slip ring,Generator slip ring, LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Optical rotary joints,Optical rotary joints,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Power & signals,Power & signals,Slip ring with code wheel,Slip ring with a terminal box,Standard slip ring,Kayma halkaları ADSR ® teşhis sistemi,Temassız döner mafsallar,İşlevsel Güvenlik,Jeneratör kayma halkası,Optik döner bağlantılar,Güç ve sinyaller,ADSR® diagnostic system,Contactless rotary joints,Functional Safety,Generator slip ring,Optical rotary joints,Power & signals,Generator slip ring , rotary joint,contactless rotary joint,contactless rotary joint,Slip ring with integrated diagnostic system,Encoder diagnostic system,Slip ring with integrated functionally safe encoder,slip ring,Optical rotary joints,fiber optic rotary joint,Slip ring with code wheel,Slip ring with a terminal box,Slip ring with connectors,Standard slip rings,SF020 - Slip ring with a contactless rotary joint

  • PITCHMO® 600

    7418 - LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,PITCHMO® 600,Robust and flexible position sensor for optimizing turbine control.

  • PITCHMO® 900

    LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,Position sensor & limit switch.,PITCHMO® 900

  • Slip ring with connectors SC168-16/08-G06

    LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,ll-systems,Leine & Linde,Leine Linde,Leine-Linde,slip ring,SC168-16/08-G06 - Slip ring with connectors,Standard slip ring,Kayma halkaları ADSR ® teşhis sistemi,Temassız döner mafsallar,İşlevsel Güvenlik,Jeneratör kayma halkası,Optik döner bağlantılar,Güç ve sinyaller,ADSR® diagnostic system,Contactless rotary joints,Functional Safety,Generator slip ring,Optical rotary joints,Power & signals,Generator slip ring , rotary joint,contactless rotary joint,contactless rotary joint,Slip ring with integrated diagnostic system,Encoder diagnostic system,Slip ring with integrated functionally safe encoder,slip ring,Optical rotary joints,fiber optic rotary joint,Slip ring with code wheel,Slip ring with a terminal box,Slip ring with connectors,Standard slip ring with connectors,slip ring transfers field buses such as Ethernet, Profibus,

  • Slip ring with a contactless rotary joint SF020

    LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS, contactless rotary joint,SF020 - Slip ring with a contactless rotary joint,Slip ring with a contactless rotary joint SF020,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,ll-systems,Leine & Linde,Leine Linde,Leine-Linde,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS,Generator slip ring,Slip rings,sliprings,slıprıng,slıprıngs,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH,diagnostic system,ADSR® diagnostic system,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Contactless rotary joints,Contactless rotary joints,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Functional Safety,Functional Safety,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Generator slip ring,Generator slip ring, LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Optical rotary joints,Optical rotary joints,LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH - Power & signals,Power & signals,Slip ring with code wheel,Slip ring with a terminal box,Standard slip ring,Kayma halkaları ADSR ® teşhis sistemi,Temassız döner mafsallar,İşlevsel Güvenlik,Jeneratör kayma halkası,Optik döner bağlantılar,Güç ve sinyaller,ADSR® diagnostic system,Contactless rotary joints,Functional Safety,Generator slip ring,Optical rotary joints,Power & signals,Generator slip ring , rotary joint,contactless rotary joint,contactless rotary joint,Slip ring with integrated diagnostic system,Encoder diagnostic system,Slip ring with integrated functionally safe encoder,slip ring,Optical rotary joints,fiber optic rotary joint,Slip ring with code wheel,Slip ring with a terminal box,Slip ring with connectors,Standard slip ring with



Oruçreis Mah. Tekstilkent Tic. Mrk.
G2 Blok, No:101 (10AD-Z77)
34235 Esenler / ISTANBUL
T: +90 212 235 95 35 / 36
F: +90 212 235 95 37

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