Level Detection for Powder Material
Probe length Max.5m
Conductive LEVEL SWITCH consists of a Detector and Transducer and applies weak current on electrode and detects the level when materials touch the electrode.
The Detector has an insulation hood as standard and can prevent malfunction caused by clinging.
Easy to install and no mechanical wearing because there is no rotating and sliding portion. Easy to use without diffucult knowledge.
MICROWAVE LEVEL METERMicrowave Level Meter,Matsushima Measure Tech Co., Ltd.,Microwave Level Meter,MICROWAVE LEVEL METER Ürünleri ile uygun rekabetçi fiyatları almak için müşteri temsilcimiz ile veya Fiyat teklifi formunu doldurarak mesaj bırakmanız halinde satış mühendislerimiz en kısa zamanda sizinle irtibat kuracaklardır