Digital Flow Meter FM-2500A/1500

Ono Sokki Digital Flow Meter FM-2500A/1500

High-precision fuel flow meters that support automobile energy conservation countermeasures. The global warming phenomenon is one of several global environmental conservation problems that need to be tackled, and the further reduction of fuel consumption is one of the important issues currently being addressed. Ono Sokki has been developing and supplying automotive-related measuring and control instruments for over the past half century, with effort of satisfying demands in the market and improving accuracy of instruments, especially for fuel consumption measurement, which could be an essential part of automotive tests. With selection of measurement module, the FM-2500A/1500 digital flow meter can ensure high accurate measurement in combination of flow detectors FP/FX/FZ series, according to testing purpose.


Measurement Module


Measurement module for FX-series Mass-Burette type Gravity Flow Detectors 
(FM-2500A only)


Measurement module for FP-series Volumetric Flow Detectors


Measurement module for FZ-series Mass Flow Detectors


Module for result of addition/subtraction between 2sets of flow detectors
(FM-2500A only)



  • Three different flow detectors (FP/FX/FZ series) can be used in combination with selection of suitable measurement module.  (Only the FM-2500A can be used in combination with the FX series flow detectors.)


  • Liquid temperature, pressure, and density can be measured and displayed as well as flow rate. (Density can be measured when in combination with the FX series.)
  • Enables calculation of measured data and displaying them as volumetric flow rate or mass flow rate.
  • Density correction function is provided to display of the mass flow after correction of density based on temperature.
  • Measurement items can be displayed on a LCD in various formats. (FM-2500A)
  • Difference of flow rate can be output by using an addition/subtraction module with two measurement modules. (FM-2500A only. FX series detectors cannot be used.)



Overview Specification

FM-2500A/1500 Display Unit Specification (+DF-0400A measurement module)

(FM-2500A + DF-0400A)
(FM-1500 + DF-0400A)
Applicable flow detectors FP-213S, FP-213, FP-2140H, FP-2240HA, 
FP-215 or FP-2250A
Applicable revolution detectors MP-9100, MP-981 or LG-916 (*9)
Display method LCD with CFL backlight 320×240 dots Fluorescent display tube

Displayed items and number of digits

Time measurement Sectional total time (*1) 0.00 to 9999999 s (max. 7 digits)
Total time (*1)
Revolution measurement Revolution speed 0.0 r/min (max. 7 digits)


Sectional total average revolution speed (*2)
Sectional total revolution 0 to 9999999 REV (max. 7 digits)
Total average revolution speed (*3) 0.0 r/min(max. 7 digits)
Total revolution 0 to 9999999 REV(max. 7 digits)
Pressure 0 to 9999 kPa (max. 4 digits)
Temperature ±0.0 to 999.9 °C(max. 4 digits)

Flow rate measurement (max. 7 digits)(*6)(*7)

Applicable detectors FP-213S FP-213 FP-2140H FP-2240HA FP-215 FP-2250A Units FP-213S FP-213 FP-2140H FP-2240HA FP-215 FP-2250A Units
Instantaneous flow rate 0.000 0.00 0.0 mL/s mL/min L/h, g/s g/min, kg/h 0.000 0.00 0.0 L/h, kg/h
Sectional total flow rate (*1) 0.000 to 9999999 0.00 to 9999999 0.0 to 9999999 mL, g, L, kg 0.000 to 9999999 0.00 to 9999999 0.0 to 9999999 mL, g
Total flow rate (*1)
Sectional total average flow rate (*4) Same as instantaneous flow rate
Total average flow rate (*5) Same as instantaneous flow rate -
Instantaneous in-cylinder injection 0.000 0.00 0.0 mm3/st, mg/st
Sectional total average in-cylinder injection
Total average in-cylinder injection
Measurement time


Can be specified within the range of 1 to10 seconds (in 1-second increments)



Up to the start time to stop time, specified in the total measurement mode.
Total measurement mode


Total from the start to stop signal specified on the panel or by an external signal (communications or remote box the FM-0200)

Flow rate setting method

Total time/revolutions from the start signal up to the specified total flow rate. Total time from the start signal up to the specified total flow rate.

Time setting method

Total flow rate/revolutions from the start signal up to the specified total time. Total flow rate from the start signal up to the specified total time.

Revolution setting method

Total flow rate/time from the start signal up to the specified total revolutions.


Voltage output (*8)

Flow rate

0 to 10 V/Low to High (Low and High values are variable.) 0 to 10 V/0 to F.S. (F.S. value is selectable from 100/200/300/500/1000/1500(kg/h, L/h)


0 to 10 V/0 to F.S. (F.S. value is selectable from 200/500/980/1000(kPa)


0 to 10 V/0 to 100°C
Pulse output

Pulse output

FP-213S/213:Selectable from Direct/0.001/0.01(mL/P, g/P) 
FP-2140H/2240HA:Selectable from Direct/0.01/0.1(mL/P, g/P) 
FP-215/2250A:Selectable from Direct/0.1/1(mL/P, g/P)

Output specification

Frequency range: 0 to 100 kHz 
Output H level: 2.4 V or more, output L level: 0.8 V or less

(*1) Total value can be displayed up to 7 digits. The position of the decimal point moves to the right or left depending on the number of decimal positions of the values. 
(*2) Sectional total average revolution speed = Sectional total revolution / sectional total time 
(*3) Total average revolution speed = Total revolution / total time 
(*4) Sectional total average flow rate = Sectional total flow rate / sectional total time
(*5) Total average flow rate = Total flow rate / total time 
(*6) Displayed value of mass flow rate is converted at density / temperature / temperature correction coefficient specified in advance. The conversion by actual measurement density is available when simultaneous measurement with the FZ series   continuous mass flow meter is performed. (only the FM-2500A) 
(*7) The position of the decimal point in the above table is when the encoder pulse is set at “120 P/R x multiplier 10” or  “1200P/R (option)”. If the setting at “120P/R” is selected, the decimal point moves to the right to increase one digit. If the setting at “1200P/R x multiplier 10” is selected, the decimal point moves to the left to decrease one digit. 
(*8) Update interval of voltage output: 0.1 seconds, accuracy: ±0.1%/F.S 
(*9) the MP-9100 can be connected via the Mx-0xx series, MP-981 and LG-916 can be connected via the MX-8000 series cable.

FM-2500A Display Unit Specification (+FX-0400A measurement module)

Applicable flow detectors FX-1110, FX-1120 or FX-1130
Applicable revolution detectors MP-9100, MP-981 or LG-916(*8)
Display method LCD with CFL backlight 320×240 dots
Displayed items and number of digits Time measurement Sectional total time (*1) 0.00 to 9999999 s (max. 7 digits)
Total time (*1)
Revolution measurement Revolution speed 0.0 r/ min (max. 7 digits)
Sectional total average revolution speed (*2)
Sectional total revolution 0 to 9999999 REV (max. 7 digits)
Total average revolution speed(*3) 0.0 r/ min (max. 7 digits)
Total revolution 0 to 9999999 REV (max. 7 digits)
Flow rate measurement (max. 7 digits)(*6)
Applicable detectors FX-1110 FX-1120 FX-1130 Units
Instantaneous flow rate 0.000 0.00 mL/s, g/s
0.0 0 mL/min, g/min
0.00 0.0 kg/h
0.00 L/h
Sectional total flow rate (*1) 0.00 to 9999999 0.0 to 9999999 mL, g, L, kg
Total flow rate
Sectional total average flow rate (*4) Same as for instantaneous flow rate
Total average flow rate (*5)
Instantaneous in-cylinder injection 0.00 0.0 mm3/st, mg/st
Sectional total average in-cylinder injection
Total average in-cylinder injection
Measurement time Instantaneous Can be specified within the range of 1to 10 seconds (in 1-second increments)
Total Up to the start time to stop time, specified in the total measurement mode.
Total measurement mode Manual Total from the start to stop signal specified on the panel or by an external signal (communications or remote box the FM-0200)
Flow rate setting method Total time/revolutions from the start signal up to the specified total flow rate.
Time setting method Total flow rate / revolutions from the start signal up to the specified total time.
Revolution setting method Total flow rate / time from the start signal up to the specified total revolutions.

Alarm output

Overflow (L1 level): Monitor display and external contact output 
Low fluid (4 level): Monitor display and external contact output
Fluid fill operation control Setting range for the time for the fluid surface to reach the fixed level 2 to 99 s
Setting range for the fluid level 0 to 95 %
Voltage output (*7) Flow rate 0 to 10 V/Low to High(Low and High values are variable.)
Pulse output Pulse output (no output during charging) FX-1110: Selectable from 0.001/0.01 (mL/P, g/P) 
FX-1120: Selectable from 0.01/0.1 (mL/P, g/P) 
FX-1130: Selectable from 0.1/1 (mL/P, g/P)
Output specification Frequency range: 0 to 100 kHz, Output H level: 2.4 V or more, Output L level: 0.8 V or less

(*1) Total value can be displayed up to 7 digits. The position of the decimal point moves to the right or left depending on the number of decimal positions of the value. 
(*2) Sectional total average revolution speed = Sectional total revolution / sectional total time 
(*3) Total average revolution speed = Total revolution / total time 
(*4) Sectional total average flow rate = Sectional total flow rate / sectional total time 
(*5) Total average flow rate = Total flow rate / total time 
(*6) Displayed value of volumetric flow is converted at density / temperature / temperature coefficient specified in advance. 
(*7) Update interval of voltage output: 0.1 seconds, accuracy : ±0.1%/F.S. 
(*8) The MP-9100 can be connected via the MX-0xx series cable, the MP-981 and the LG-916 can be connected via the MX-8000 series cable.


FM-2500A Display Unit Specification (+FZ-0300A measurement module)

(FM-2500A + FZ-0300A)
(FM-1500 + FZ-0300A)
Applicable flow detectors FZ-2100 or FZ-2200
Applicable revolution detectors MP-9100, MP-981, LG-916(*7)
Display method LCD with CFL backlight 320×240 dots Fluorescent display tube
Displayed items and number of digits Time measurement Sectional total time (*1) 0.00 to 9999999 s (max. 7 digits)
Total time (*1)
Revolution measurement Revolution speed 0.0 r/ min (max. 7 digits) -
Sectional total average revolution speed (*2)
Sectional total revolution 0 to 9999999 REV (max. 7 digits)
Total average revolution speed (*3) 0.0 r/ min (max. 7 digits)
Total revolution 0 to 9999999 REV (max. 7 digits)
Temperature measurement Temperature ±0.0 to 999.9 °C (max. 4 digits)

Flow rate measurement (max. 7 digits)

Applicable detectors FZ-2100 FZ-2200 Units FZ-2100 FZ-2200 Units
Instantaneous flow rate 0.0000 0.00 mL/s, mL/min L/h, g/s, g/min kg/h 0.0000 0.00 L/h, kg/h
Sectional total flow rate (*1) 0.0000 to 9999999 0.00 to 9999999 mL, g, L, kg 0.0000 to 9999999 0.00 to 9999999 mL, g
Total flow rate (*1)
Sectional total average flow rate (*4) Same as for instantaneous flow rate
Total average flow rate (*5) Same as for instantaneous flow rate -
Instantaneous in-cylinder injection 0.0000 0.00 mm2/st, mg/st
Sectional total average in-cylinder injection
Total average in-cylinder injection
Density measurement Density

0.0000 g/cm3 (5 digits)

Converted temperature setting 0.0 to 999.9 °C (density calculation performed for the three specified temperature points) 0.0 to 999.9 °C (density calculation performed for the one specified temperature point)
Measurement time Instantaneous Can be specified within the range of 1 to 10 seconds. (in 1-second increments)


Total (flow rate/time) Up to the start time to stop time, specified in the total measurement mode.
Total measurement mode Manual Total up to the start to stop signal specified on the panel or by an external signal (communications or remote box the FM-0200)
Flow rate setting method Total time/revolutions from the start signal up to the specified total flow rate. Total time from the start signal up to the specified total flow rate,
Time setting method Total flow rate/revolutions from the start signal up to the specified total time Total flow rate from the start signal up to the specified total time.
Revolution setting method Total flow rate/time from the start signal up to the specified total revolutions


Voltage output (*6) Flow rate 0 to 10 V/Low to High (Low and High values are variable.) 0 to 10 V/0 to F.S. (F.S. value is selectable from 100/200/300/500/1000 or 1500 (kg/h, L/h))
Density 0 to 10 V/0 to 1 g/cm3
Temperature 0 to 10 V/0 to 100 °C
Pulse output Pulse output FZ-2100: Selectable from 0.001/0.01 (mL/P, g/P) 
FZ-2200: Selectable from 0.1/1 (mL/P, g/P)
Output specification Frequency range: 0 to 100 kHz, output H level: 2.4 V or more, output L level: 0.8 V or less

(*1) Total value can be displayed up to 7 digits. The position of the decimal point moves to the right or left depending on the number of decimal positions of the value. 
(*2) Sectional total average revolution speed = Sectional total revolution / sectional total time 
(*3)Total average revolution speed = Total revolution / total time 
(*4) Sectional total average flow rate = Sectional total flow rate / sectional total time 
(*5) Total average flow rate = Total flow rate / total time 
(*6) Update interval of voltage output: 0.1 seconds, accuracy : ±0.1%/F.S. 
(*7) The MP-9100 can be connected via the MX-0xx series cable, the MP-981 and the LG-916 can be connected via the MX-8000 series cable.


FM-2500A/1500 Display Unit Common Specification(*1)

  FM-2500A (*2) FM-1500
Display LDC with CFL backlight, 320 x 240 dots Fluorescent display tube (20 characters x 2 lines)
Interface (*3) Remote (*4) Commands START, STOP, HOLD, DISP, RESET
Input level H=+2.4 to 15 V, L=+0.8 V or less
RS-232C (*5) Communication method: asynchronous full-duplex mode, data length: 8 bits, baud rate (*6):9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
GPIB Option(model name: FM-0263)
Digital I/O Option (model name: FM-0361)


Memory function Measurement memory Capacity 300 addresses
Capture timing Automatically saved when Hold or Stop, automatic increment of addresses from 001 to 300
Memory backup Memory capacity 1 MByte (SRAM)
Data backup period Approx. 1.5 month (at 25°C) battery: coin-type vanadium lithium secondary battery
General specification Storage temperature/humidity range -20 to +60 °C/10 to 90 % RH (with no condensation)
Operating temperature/humidity range 0 to +40 °C/30 to 90 % RH (with no condensation)
Power requirement Power requirement FM-2500A: 100 to 240 VAC , 50/60 Hz
Maximum current consumption 40 VA or less 
External fuse: 2 A
30 VA or less 
External fuse: 2A
Insulation resistance 10 MΩ or more (500 VDC rated power supply)
Withstand voltage 1500 VAC for one minute
Compatible shock-resistance standard JIS C 0041: 1999 (Peak acceleration: 300m/s2, shock application period: 18ms)
Compatible vibration –resistance standard JIS C 0040: 1999(vibration acceleration :10m/s2, vibration frequency range:10 to 150 Hz)
Compatible standard IEC/ EN61010-1: 2010 (3rd)

(*1) The above specifications are specifications that are common to the FM-2500A and FM-1500. Moreover, "-" indicates specifications that are not included with the FM-1500. 
(*2) CE marking is available when it is combined with the FZ series and some of the FP series. Please consult us for details. 
(*3) Only on interface unit can be installed. The RS-232C interface cannot be used if a GPIB interface is installed. 
(*4) The model name of remote box is the FM-0200.
(*5) With the FM-1500, the DPU-414 digital printer (option) can be used to print out measured values. (RS-232C interface) 
(*6) Baud rate of the FM-1500: 9600 bps


FM series Display units and options


Name Model name Descriptions
Digital Flow Meter FM-2500A For FP, FX and FZ series detectors
FM-1500 For FP and FZ series detectors
Measurement Module DF-0400A For FP series detectors
FX-0400A For FX series detectors (FM-2500A only)
FZ-0300A For FZ series detectors
Addition/Subtraction Module* FM-0210A Signal output module for data sum or difference between two of detectors (exclusive for FM-2500A)
GP-IB board* FM-0263 For FM-2500A and FM-1500
Remote box* FM-0200 For FM-2500A and FM-1500
  • On-Board Flow Meter DF-2200

    Ono Sokki On-Board Flow Meter DF-2200, Ono Sokki Digital Flow Meter FM-1500/2500A, Ono Sokki Flow Detector, Ono Sokki Fuel Flow Detector, Ono Sokki Massflow Meter FZ-2100/2200, On-Board Flow Detectors MF-3200, Ono Sokki Mass Flow Rate , Ono Sokki Measurement System, Ono Sokki Mass Flow Rate Detection System, Ono Sokki Mass-burette Flow Detector, Ono Sokki On-Board Volumetric Flow Detector FP-4135, Ono Sokki Automatic Air Purging Tank MF-015, Ono Sokki Pressure Increase & Reduction unit MF-113, Ono Sokki Non-contact Speedometer, Ono Sokki Overview of SpeedoMeter, Ono Sokki GPS Speedomete/Vector Speedometer LC-8120/8220, Ono Sokki Compact & High-sensitive GPS Speedometer LC-8300, Ono Sokki Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Overview of Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Analog Engine Tachometer AR-7240B, Ono Sokki Digital Engine Tachometer CT-6700, Ono Sokki Gasoline Engine Tachometer SE-1620, Ono Sokki Diesel Engine / Motor Tachometer GE-2500, Ono Sokki Detector, Ono Sokki Engine Vibration Detectorv VP-201/202/1210/1220, Ono Sokki Gasoline Engine RPM Detector OM-1500/1200, Ono Sokki Ignition Pulse Detector IP-292/296, Ono Sokki Ignition Pulse Detector IP-3000A, Ono Sokki Ignition Pulse Detector IP-3100, Ono Sokki Cigarette Lighter Socket Sensor FT-0801, Ono Sokki Handheld Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Handheld Gasoline Engine Tachometer SE-1200, Ono Sokki Handheld Gasoline Engine Tachometer SE-2500A, Ono Sokki Handheld Digital Tachometer HT-6200, Ono Sokki Advanced Handheld Tachometer FT-7200, Ono Sokki Handheld Diesel Engine Tachometer GE-1400, Ono Sokki Automotive Industry, Ono Sokki Sound & Vibration, Ono Sokki Torque, Ono Sokki Rpm & Speed,

  • Digital Flow Meter FM-2500A/1500

    Ono Sokki Digital Flow Meter FM-2500A/1500,Ono Sokki On-Board Flow Meter DF-2200, Ono Sokki Digital Flow Meter FM-1500/2500A, Ono Sokki Flow Detector, Ono Sokki Fuel Flow Detector, Ono Sokki Massflow Meter FZ-2100/2200, On-Board Flow Detectors MF-3200, Ono Sokki Mass Flow Rate , Ono Sokki Measurement System, Ono Sokki Mass Flow Rate Detection System, Ono Sokki Mass-burette Flow Detector, Ono Sokki On-Board Volumetric Flow Detector FP-4135, Ono Sokki Automatic Air Purging Tank MF-015, Ono Sokki Pressure Increase & Reduction unit MF-113, Ono Sokki Non-contact Speedometer, Ono Sokki Overview of SpeedoMeter, Ono Sokki GPS Speedomete/Vector Speedometer LC-8120/8220, Ono Sokki Compact & High-sensitive GPS Speedometer LC-8300, Ono Sokki Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Overview of Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Analog Engine Tachometer AR-7240B, Ono Sokki Digital Engine Tachometer CT-6700, Ono Sokki Gasoline Engine Tachometer SE-1620, Ono Sokki Diesel Engine / Motor Tachometer GE-2500, Ono Sokki Detector, Ono Sokki Engine Vibration Detectorv VP-201/202/1210/1220, Ono Sokki Gasoline Engine RPM Detector OM-1500/1200, Ono Sokki Ignition Pulse Detector IP-292/296, Ono Sokki Ignition Pulse Detector IP-3000A, Ono Sokki Ignition Pulse Detector IP-3100, Ono Sokki Cigarette Lighter Socket Sensor FT-0801, Ono Sokki Handheld Engine Tachometer, Ono Sokki Handheld Gasoline Engine Tachometer SE-1200, Ono Sokki Handheld Gasoline Engine Tachometer SE-2500A, Ono Sokki Handheld Digital Tachometer HT-6200, Ono Sokki Advanced Handheld Tachometer FT-7200, Ono Sokki Handheld Diesel Engine Tachometer GE-1400, Ono Sokki Automotive Industry, Ono Sokki Sound & Vibration, Ono Sokki Torque, Ono Sokki Rpm & Speed,

  • Electromagnetic Detector MP series

    Ono Sokki Ürünleri ile uygun rekabetçi fiyatları almak için müşteri temsilcimiz ile veya Fiyat teklifi formunu doldurarak mesaj bırakmanız halinde satış mühendislerimiz en kısa zamanda sizinle irtibat kuracaklardır,Ono Sokki,Rpm & Speed Electromagnetic Detector, Ono Sokki Rotation Detector, Ono Sokki Electromagnetic Detector, Ono Sokki Magnetoelectric detector, Ono Sokki Magnetic Detector, Ono Sokki Optical Detector, Ono Sokki Opto-fiber Sensor, Ono Sokki Fiber Optic Detector,



Oruçreis Mah. Tekstilkent Tic. Mrk.
G2 Blok, No:101 (10AD-Z77)
34235 Esenler / ISTANBUL
T: +90 212 235 95 35 / 36
F: +90 212 235 95 37

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