ROTOKOMBI ESR300-71-68-1 + SW65 W2 + M80 L1 + ESR70-8-5GAT- Gesellschaft für Antriebstechnik,SLIP RING, ROTOFLUX – Slip Ring with contacting gold/gold technology,ROTOFLUX ESR,ROTOFLUX ESW,Slip Ring Slip,Ring,ROTOFLUX,ROTOKOMBI ESR300-71-68-1 + SW65 W2 + M80 L1 + ESR70-8-5,Slip Rings ROTOFLUX + Rotary Union ROTODISK SW/ROTOSTAT E,Slip Rings ROTOFLUX,Rotary Union ROTODISK SW,Rotary Union ROTOSTAT E,
ROTOCAP CAP160-FE1-0//51/33-L2-1-G3/8ROTOCAP – Slip Ring for contactless capacitive data transmission,
GAT- Gesellschaft für Antriebstechnik,,ROTOCAP – Slip Ring for contactless capacitive data transmission,ROTOCAP CAP160-FE1-0//51/33-L2-1-G3/8,Slip Ring ROTOCAP,ROTOCAP CAP160-FE1-0//51/33-L2-1-G3/8,Slip Ring ROTOCAP
ROTOSTAT M140 NX-2GAT- Gesellschaft für Antriebstechnik ,ROTOSTAT N – Rotary Union with contactless axial gap seal,ROTOSTAT M140 NX-2