Şut tıkantı anahtarlar (Eğim Sensörü) Seçim tablosu
Model No. Description
20-39 Standard Probe
20-31 Light-Weight,
20-32 Heavy-Duty
20-33 Buoyant, Plastic Slurry Probe
20-30-SS Stainless Steel Probe
20-39B *Low-Temp. (Below -25° F)
20-39C Hi-Temp. (180-390° F)
21-39 **Class I & II, FM Approved
20-41 Standard Probe
20-41- SS Stainless Probe
* Requires Model 20-38 - B - 4 Control
** Requires Model 21-38 Control
Accessories include wear paddles, float balls and fins that are easily attached. Standard cable lengths are 25 feet unless otherwise specified. TILT SWITCH PROBE SELECTION
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